Willow's Web



Chapter Eight

Two hours later a special team of scientist was investigating the mysterious contact lenses. They had taken them from the woman while she was under sedation. The removal of them revealed that she had brown eyes... Now the scientist and the agents sat in Waverly’s office listening to the report.

Dr. Matthew Potier, a scientist specializing in electronic technology, spoke. “The lenses contain a small devise that hypnotizes its victims. The devise sends a wave of light, undetectable to the naked eye. It is limited, requiring the victim to have light colored eyes. That’s why all the victims have had blue or green eyes.”

“How does it work and what can we do to stop it other than not hiring agents with light eye colors.” Waverly asked.

“That’s the question. Another question is, how long does the affects last.” Napoleon added.

Illya shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

“Apparently, the devise triggers an area of the brain that controls sexual functioning. That’s why the men could have sex for an unusual high number of times. As to how long it will work… We’ll need a willing recipient to go into the room with the woman to find that out. It’s possible, that once the lenses are removed, the power the women have is removed as well. We’ll need to do research….”

Let me go back in that room with her and see what happens,” Illya said suddenly.

“Are you sure, Illya?” Napoleon asked.

“Very. I don’t want to live my life running from green-eyed women.”

Illya walked into the apartment and saw the now brown-eyed woman. She was sitting on the couch, her eyes downcast. She looked sad and vulnerable. Illya seated himself on the couch next to her. He noticed that he didn’t feel anything sexual toward the woman. Now, he only felt sadness at her vulnerable appearance.

They sat in silence for a few minutes and then the woman spoke, “I’m sorry,” Illya noted that she no longer had the accent. She sounded like she came from the Midwest.

“They came to me with an offer. An offer to be beautiful for the first time in my life.”

Illya took her hands into his and looked deeply into the woman’s eyes as she told her story.

“I’ve always been plain, unloved. Then they came. They told me they had an invention that would make me irresistible to men. I’d always wanted that. You see, I had only been on one date in my life, and that was bought and paid for by my sister.”

“So you went along with it,” Illya said

“Yes. I went along with it. They took me to this doctor, and he implanted them. He said they’d only work on men with light eyes. They showed me your picture. I thought you were so attractive. After the lenses were implanted, I felt so powerful,” she sobbed. “Men wanted me. Me. Mousy old Carolyn.”

Carolyn rocked back and forth. Illya took her in his arms, smoothing her hair as she cried.

“I just wanted to be loved. That’s all. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, least of all you.” She looked sadly at Illya and then turned her head. He held her hands gently.

“These men who came to you. Do you know what they looked like?”

“Just big men. One was bald. I really don’t know much more. I just wanted to be beautiful and exotic. Those eyes did that for me and no one was hurt.”

“But that’s where you’re wrong. People were hurt and one man died. Carolyn we need for you to tell us everything you know. We need to find the other women involved in this plot.”

Well, I don’t know about the men, but the women are all staying at a downtown hotel. I can tell you where they are.”

Carolyn gave Illya the address of the women. Illya continued to question her.

“What about the men. What can you tell us?”

The woman looked at Illya, sorrow in her eyes.

“They had a bird on their suit. I thought it looked rather silly—grown men wearing suits with birds on it.”

“Thrush,” Illya said.

“Yes, that’s it. Thrush. I remember one of them saying that.”

Illya took a sharp intake of breath, and then released it. “Carolyn, I’m so sorry. They used you.”

“No, they told me no one would be hurt. It was just an experiment, to see if people like me could be helped.”

“People like you? “ Illya asked.

“Yes, you know, ugly people.”

Illya took Carolyn’s face in his hands. “Carolyn, don’t you know that you’re not ugly. Beauty is defined in many ways, not by just the standards of Hollywood or some fashion magazine.”

Carolyn looked down and then back into Illya’s vivid blue eyes. “You really believe that, don’t you?”

“Of course, it’s the truth.”

Carolyn smiled through her tears.

“What will happen to me?”

“Nothing. You were a pawn in a larger game. You didn’t know and the last time I heard, it wasn’t against the law to seduce someone.”

Carolyn visibly relaxed.

“I made up the accent. I wanted to be mysterious. You know, like in the Hollywood movies. Men like mysterious women.”

“I don’t,” Illya said and took her in his arms and held her as she cried.

One month later Carolyn was saying goodbye to Illya in his office at UNCLE headquarters. Carolyn had spent the past month assisting the agents in solving the case. Although Illya was no longer affected by the contact lens, he found that he genuinely liked Carolyn. She was just a shy woman who sought beauty in all the wrong places. Now he hated to see her leave.

“I’m really going to miss you when you return to Chicago.” Illya said.

Carolyn smiled. “I’ll miss you too.”

“Then why don’t you stay?”

“My life is not here. I want to go back home. I’ll stay with my parents while I finish school and become a teacher. Then maybe I’ll come back here.”

“I hope so.”

Carolyn looked sadly at Illya. “Illya, I’m really sorry about what happened between us. I mean, I shouldn’t have allowed it to go so far.”

“Carolyn, I told you that I’ve forgiven you for what happened. Now, we can’t do anything about the past, but we have the future. I want you to come back here one day. We’ll pretend that we never met and get to know each other the right way.”

Carolyn smiled at Illya, kissing him lightly on the cheek. “Good bye, Illya. Until we meet again.” She turned and left the room.

Napoleon found his friend sitting in their office looking sad.

“You okay, Tovarish?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking.”

“Well, think about this. Our team of scientist has just found the cure for the contact lens. It’s a sort of jamming devise.”

“Great,” was all the Russian said.

Napoleon was surprised. After all that had happened, he expected his friend to be elated about the news. Instead, Illya sat sadly at his desk twirling a pen.

“I thought you would be happy about this, Illya.”

Illya looked up at his friend and smiled. “I am Napoleon, it’s just that…well, Carolyn is a marvelous girl. Any man would be lucky to have her. Yet, she couldn’t see that. Her idols were the beauties of the silver screen and women on magazine covers. It nearly destroyed her.”

Napoleon came over to Illya’s desk and took a seat on the edge. “I know, Tovarish. It must be tough being a woman. There’s all the expectations to live up to. And if you can’t….”

“Then you end up like Carolyn, willing to do anything just to have someone love her.” Illya said.

Both men sat in companionable silence and then Illya spoke. “I really like her.”

Napoleon patted the Russian on the shoulder. “I know. And you know what? I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Carolyn. Come on. Let’s get something to eat.”

“For once you’ve had a good idea, my friend.” Illya said smiling.

“Hey, I’ve had plenty of good ideas,” the American said as they headed out the door.


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